Just spent a very enjoyable few days in Cologne – a city I’ve spent a summer in way back in the day and have very fond memories of – but never managed to get there in the lead up to Christmas when the City is transformed into a Christmas Market wonderland.
In the three or four weeks in the run up to Christmas Cologne gets over 2 million visitors piling in do basically 3 things:
- Drink as much gluwein and hot chocolate with rum as possible
- Eat as much wurst, kebabs (ok that’s just me) and bbq’s meat as possible
- Haggle with the Market traders on all matter of Christmas trinkets
It would seem that most of the 2 million or so chose last weekend to make the trip to Cologne along with ourselves – the place was jam packed.
I would definitely recommend a trip there if you are contemplating it either this year or next.
Just take it easy on the gluwein.